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For years now, Cooper’s behavior has been awful and getting worse as time went on. We had tried all we knew to do. The child psychologist we were seeing was at a loss of where to turn for helping Cooper and our family - referring us to an in-patient hospital program for children with severe behavioral challenges. We just could not imagine sending Cooper away, so we became open to any other option.

Our school psychologist told me about Jen and the success with other families in the school, I was hopeful but I really could not imagine that someone could actually help us by just living with us and helping us change behavior. I did not think that there was anything else that could be done except a hospital, but I was willing to try anything.

Cooper’s behavior was totally unpredictable. I never knew what was going to happen each day. He could be great for a couple of days and then we would face a breakdown. I did not know how to correctly handle his behavior. It affected everyone in the family. It was stressful and each day was like tip toeing and hoping he would not have a bad day. Cooper would battle me with severe tantrums, throwing items, and even running away - anything he could do to try get his way. There were times that he truly scared me - when he would refuse to get in the car and take off his seat belt while riding in the car, doing his best to distract the driver out of anger and aggression.

School experienced behavior such as ignoring his teacher, refusing to do work and even refusing to get out of the car at carpool (no matter who tried, he refused).

Bringing Jen in was hard - one of the hardest experiences I have ever been through. I did not feel good the first week watching Jen with Cooper - so much that I would have to leave the room several times as he was fighting her so strongly and it was heartbreaking to see him so upset and angry with her firmness.

The next week was hard as well, but Jen coached me as I got more involved. I began to see his behavior for what it was, manipulation!!! It actually made me angry. I was so used to babying him and just “dealing with the behavior”. I can say that there were definitely times that I got frustrated having a “little bird in my ear”, but Jen knew what she was doing. She was sooooooo patient!!!!

After 5 weeks of Jen living with us, our home is so much less stressful. Today, I can actually say that every once in a while we will have an issue, but it is nothing like it was before Jen came. I am able to handle behavior fast and effective.

Cooper can even apologize now!!!! He has a solid understanding of how to act and why, as Jen taught him that piece by piece. We now live by our “House Rules” and have solid expectations of both Cooper and his brother. We did have a couple nights in the weeks after that Jen had to come back for a refresher, and he was able to see that I was not going to give into him and that we were living by our “House Rules” it got easier.

Would I recommend Jen to other families struggling with their children? Yes!!!! Don’t wait!! This was a very hard and difficult time in my life as a single Mom (in school) raising two boys with learning issues and having one with severe behavior issues! I honestly have no idea where we would be right now without an intervention. Jen truly changed our lives! I am a better Mom with Jen’s help!